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Chinese translation for "vacant house"


Related Translations:
vacant:  adj.1.空无所有的,空虚的。2.(房子等)空着的,没人住的;(位置等)空缺的。3.精神空虚的;茫然的,出神的,无精打采的;无意义的,无聊的;不感兴趣的。4.空闲的;无所事事的;没职业的。5.【法律】无人利用的;无主的;遗弃的;无继承人的。短语和例子The house is still vacant. 这房子还空着。 a vacant lot 一块空地。 a vacant
vacant post:  悬空职位
vacant space:  空舱位空余地区未用空间
vacant estate:  无继承人的产业
vacant succession:  继承人不明的遗产无人继承
situations vacant:  [wanted] 事求人[人求事]〔报纸上的招聘[待聘]栏标题〕。
vacant run:  无载运行
vacant elements:  空位元素
vacant place:  采空区
vacant shell:  空壳层有空位的电子层未填满的壳层未填满壳层
Example Sentences:
1.The paper want to solve one of the problem , using how to supply the pubic houses as the core part , and mainly analyzing its good and bad of the supply model of public houses . analyse the government heavily constructing housing , using private houses , government buiing houses , reassure government houses as pubilic housing , using the vacant houses as public houses and so on , analyzing these supply model ' s influence on real estate market , government " s financial pressure , and the management of the public houses , and at last use the nsfdss ( non - structure fuzz decsion surport system ) apprasial method apprise these suppling model . connecting the facts of xi ' an , analyse the fitfull of the result
本文主要以廉租房保障制度实施中存在的问题之一? ?廉租房房源提供方式的优劣势比较分析为核心内容,对廉租房的供房模式:政府集中兴建、利用私房、政府出资购房、公房认定、利用空置房转化等模式进行优劣势比较分析,分析这些供房模式各自在推动房地产市场、减轻政府财政压力、廉租户管理、廉租房推出机制形成等方面的优劣势,并利用nsfdss (非结构化模糊决策支持系统)评价方法综合评价排序各供房模式,并结合实际情况对西安市实施廉租房制度时采取的供房模式进行适应性分析,为决策者决策选择的理论指导依据,促进廉租房的发展。
2.This article uses xi ' an ' s residential market as the study background . real estate market operation is not as ideal as our imagination , vacant housing become more and more serious problems . facing this situation , though adding up and analyzing the marketing investigation , the author forecasts the prospect of xi ' an residential market development , that is , the economic affordable housing will be the main part of xi ' an residential market and here comes the time for public consumer in xi ' an residential market
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